And it is clear that someone whose
wrath and satisfaction equals with wrath and satisfaction of Allah, and
is clear from any pollution and guilt and her pleasures passions are
pure and cleaned-up, and her pleasures are with Divine basis and
according to purge (Tathir) verse Fatima is innocent from all sins and
Um-ol Momenin Aisha says:
خرج النبي صلي الله عليه و سلم ،غداه و
عليه مرط مرحل من شعر اسود فجاءالحسن بن علي فادخله ثم جاء الحسين فادخل
معه ثم جائت فاطمه فادخلها ثم جاء علي فادخله ثم قال :
انما يريدالله ليذهب عنکم الرجس اهل البيت و يطهرکم تطهيرا) الاحزاب :??[?]
Prophet Muhammad (SA) came out from
his home in the morning wearing a black cloak. Hasan bin Ali came, and
interred under the cloak. Then came Hussein bin Ali and interred under
the cloak. Then came Fatima and interred under the cloak at the time.
Then Ali came and interred under the cloak. Then the Prophet (SA) said:
“there is nothing but Allah has decided to keep you Ahlol Bayt from the
filth and guilt and make you clean and innocent.
The Hadith has been mentioned in
other sources such as “Sonan Tarmazy[7]” , “Aldralmnsur Seuty[8]” and
“Masnad Ahmed[9]” and “Masnad AlTialsy[10]” and “Mostadrak Al-sahihayn”
with other companions and properties has been quoted to indicate
specific purification verse refers to Khamseh Tayebeh[11].
Here, I
am going to refer to two other narratives about the Tathir verse
pointing to its exclusive Khamseh Tayebeh which includes Prophet
Muhammad (SA), Ali, Fatima, Hasan and Hosein:
1- عن أنس بن مالک أن
رسول الله صلي الله عليه و سلم کان يمر بباب فاطمة ستة أشهر إذا خرج إلي
صلاة الفجر يقول الصلاة يا أهل البيت إنما يريد الله ليذهب عنکم الرجس أهل
البيت و يطهرکم تطهيرا[??]
?- و أخرج ابن جرير و ابن أبى حاتم و
الطبراني عن أبى سعيد الخدري رضى الله عنه قال قال رسول الله صلى الله
عليه و سلم نزلت هذه الآية في خمسة في و في علي و فاطمة و حسن و حسين
إِنَّما يُرِيدُ اللَّهُ لِيُذْهِبَ عَنْکُمُ الرِّجْسَ أَهْلَ الْبَيْتِ
وَ يُطَهِّرَکُمْ تَطْهِيرا[??]
I finish this letter with another Hadis from prophet Muhammad (SA):
فاطمه سيده النساء اهل الجنه[??]
Vassalamo alaykom W.R.W.B
Hasan Jalalian