Introducing the First and only Internet base of watertherapy medicine in the world (Fasting + water drinking ):
Internet base have glory to introduce a new and ompletely normal method to treat diseases and especially incurable diseases to mortals.In this method ,the patient will be treated by a specialist of this method (Hassan Jalalian) in 10 to 40 days . There is not any chemical drugs or surgical operation , and acording to special orders of the specialist of This method ,the patient would fast and drink only water in his therapy periods in 10 to 40 days.In this private method , the patients will be treated completely and it will promised to mortals that incurable diseases ( suchas cancers, psoriasis and so on ) will be treated in short time and without any troubles . the patient will be treated in 10 to 40 days .1. cancers 2. skin disease 3. the digestire system diseases.4. sex weakness in men( premature ejaculation , weakness in genital organ ) 5.joints diseases(strampel – Artrus – gout)6. channels and genital system diseases in women cinfection in compassion and resica – orary kist7. vertebral column diseases ( disk in neck and waist ) 8. Hepatic diseases( infections, hepatic sirus – hepatite 9. renal diseases 10. diseases in genital system and channel in men ( prostate ,syphilis ,gonorrhea ,weakness in tesis)11. Inner gland diseases(diabetes)12. Blood Vessels diseases13.respiratory channels diseases (asthoma,goiter)14. Varieties boils and infetious wounds 15. premature old age In order to treat by this normal medicine (fasting +water ) ,you should be a member of site until Mr. Jalalian ,specialist of water therapy medicine, will do remdial stages.We offer the best wishes for you .