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    متن پيام :
    حداکثر 2000 حرف
    كد امنيتي:

    Introducing water therapy medicine method( fasting + water drinking):
    Philosophy of water therapy medicine :
    This method is a positive house – cleaning for body and it cause that all systems and cells of body become clean and it brings disease factors out and it is firm in two principles: first principle- some foods pass through the digestire system , due to eating different foods and they did not spent to body cells and they were stored under skin and around heart and other sensitive centers of body and after some time they will make different infection and they will cause variety diseases and as muchas the rate of infection and quautity of additional materials are more , the disease will be more intense and it tooks different names , but basis and root of these illnesses is not same and it is the growth of microbe and virus , because their life are possible in a environment that there are many simoom and excessire food stuffs.
    Second principle- in order to cure the diseases and to delete the microbes , first the stored simoom should be deleted and it will be possible only if the person do not eat anything in 10 to 40 days and only he should drink water and in this case , body will bring foodstuffs and infections matters and the stored dirts out and to use them until they finish and then root of the disease will take off .

    Water therapy medicine advantages:
    This medicine has so advantages that we refer to six advantages :
    1- normal therapy-In water therapy medicine , the disease will cure naturally and by the use of net water , but in the other methods, they use chemical and toxic drags that they have negatire effects on cells and sensitive tissues of body and body do not react against the toxic drugs and it will stimulate the other diseases and it cause that the body be poison .
    2- Multilateral therapy –In water therapy medicine, several disease will be cure , because all parts and systems of body will be clean of diseases factors and so different diseases will be cure at the same time, but in the other remedial methods , medical treatments are only for the special disease that we try to cure it.
    3- rooty therapy –In water therapy medicine , the disease will be cure rooty , because the process of water therapy medicine is comparison to diseases roots and that roots are simoom and the stored resources which all of the roots will take off and deleted by the use of water therapy method .
    4- mono periodical therapy - in water therapy medicine , the disease will be cure in a period and in 10 to 40 days , but in the other methods , therapy will take in long time and some times for years.
    5- deep cleaning of body- in water therapy medicine , all body systems , that is all cells , tissues , nerres , joints , the digestire system , was washed and simoom and the store resources , that are the factor of growth and development of microbes and viruses , was brought out and any other method do not have ability to clean the body .
    6 – body restoration- the most important advantage of water therapy medicine is restoration of decrepit and tired body , because . it will be attacked to old and decrepit cells and they will be bring out and the person will be born again and when the deceipt and old and ill cells brought out and the body cells becomed clean , tissues and nerres and the other parts and systems of body return to health and mirth and juiciness and freshness and the washing mechanism of all of the body is the special advantage of the water therapy medicine

    water therapy medicine specialist .
    Hassan jalalian